Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the process in which a laser produces an impulse of light at a specific wavelength (600-980nm) to drive energy deep into a targeted area. This light penetrates tissue at desired depths and is absorbed by cells, triggering a biological process that releases natural, beneficial chemicals that aid in decreased inflammation and pain, while increasing circulation, cell repair and regeneration.
Within a single laser therapy session, the process of PBM floods treated cells with ATP, one of the most used molecules in the body and critical to cell regulation and regeneration. Over multiple sessions, cell functionality increases, which helps in healthy tissue growth. As cells and tissues become healthier, entire systems, as well as the body as a whole becomes healthier.
Common conditions treated with laser therapy:
- Pain management
- Tissue repair
- Wound Healing
- Decreased scar tissue formation
- Decreased recover times
Is laser therapy painful?
No. Patients may feel a warming sensation at the site of the treatment, but this is normal and proper laser usage will minimize this effect.
Has laser therapy been proven safe?
Our device has been cleared by the FDA. It has been chosen by doctors, hospitals and clinics because of its safe and reliable precedent. Please wear safety goggles.
How will I know the treatment is working?
During the treatment, you might notice a slight tingling over the treated area. This is the normal sensation of the energy penetrating into our tissue. Many people see immediate relief of their symptoms as well as apparent long-term results.
How many treatments do I need?
Patients usually come in for multiple sessions each week to manage their ailments. Work with your clinician to determine a program based on your symptoms and severity.
Any other information I should know?
Patients with pacemakers, implants, prosthesis, artificial joints, large tattoos, sun burns, cancer or those who are currently pregnant should consult with their clinician prior to starting a treatment program.
A typical laser therapy treatment takes 5-8 minutes. Many people see some relief of their symptoms after one treatment. Multiple sessions allow for an increase in cell functionality which promotes healthy tissue growth. The frequency and number of treatments are determined by the patient’s condition. The doctor will make suggestions based on the condition, taking into consideration if the issue is acute or chronic and severity of pain.