The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care helps restore proper motion and function throughout our spine and extremities. When our body is functioning and moving correctly, we experience optimal health and wellness.
Benefits include:
- Enhanced nervous system function
- Increased mobility and range of motion
- Increased energy by day and sleep better at night
- Decreased muscle spasms and tension
- Slows the natural aging process and degeneration
- Enhanced tissue healing and decreased inflammation following injuries
- Headache relief
- Decreased joint pain and stiffness
- Increased immune function to help stay healthy
Common Conditions we treat:
- Lower back pain, including disc herniations
- Neck and upper back pain and spasms
- Mid back pain and rib dysfunction
- Headaches and migraines
- Sciatica and other leg pain
- Extremity pain and dysfunction (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and wrists)
- Elbow tendinosis (golfer’s elbow & tennis elbow)
- Plantar Fascitis
- Rotator cuff syndrome and frozen shoulder
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Pregnancy related low back pain
- TMJ issues
- Infantile colic
- Childhood ear infections, torticollis and bedwetting
- Female issues, including infertility
- Allergies and asthma
Common Injuries We Treat:
Automobile accident and whiplash injuries
Whiplash is a common term used to describe the event that takes place following a motor vehicle accident where the cervical or lumbar spine rapidly experiences a hyperflexion/hyperextension movement. This results in a sprain/strain injury to the soft tissues, (muscles and ligaments). Symptoms from this type of injury may present immediately or take days, weeks or months to occur. An immediate chiropractic examination is essential. Pain pills and muscle relaxers mask symptoms, but do little to help the tissues heal. After performing a thorough examination and determining if X-Rays are needed, Dr. Julie will begin treatment to reduce acute pain, inflammation and spasm. Specific “low tech” rehabilitation exercises and stretches will be recommended to the patient to strengthen weak muscles, restore range of motion, function and stability to the injured tissues.
Common whiplash symptoms include:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Neck, shoulder or low back pain
- Shooting pain into arms and/or legs
- Weakness in muscles and ligaments
Please let our friendly office staff know if you have been involved in an automobile accident. They will help get you the proper paperwork and answer any questions you may have. Bring your claim number and any images (X-Rays, CT or MRI scans) you have already had done to the clinic on your first visit.
Work related injuries
Work related injuries commonly result from improper bending and lifting, falls, or repetitive actions, such as typing and poor body positioning.
Pain as a result of a work related injury can be debilitating, causing you to miss work, lose money and stop doing things you love. We are committed to not only help you get of of pain, but to teach you strategies to prevent future injuries. Strategies may include specific exercises, stretches, and ergonomic changes within your workplace.
Chiropractic, acupuncture and soft tissue techniques are utilized to treat common work related injuries such as:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Neck sprains and strains
- Back sprains, strains and disc problems
- Rotator cuff tendonitis
- Elbow tendonitis (tennis and golfers elbow)
- Headaches
- Numbness and tingling in arms or legs
Please let our friendly office staff know if you have been injured at work. They will help get you the proper paperwork and answer any questions you may have. You will need to fill out a first report of injury form with your employer. Bring this information to the clinic on your first visit.
Sports injuries
In the event of a sports related injury, chiropractic and acupuncture care are effective to treat and expedite the healing process. Immediately following an injury, there is pain, swelling and inflammation. Chiropractic and acupuncture care helps to reduce the pain, reduce the swelling and reduce the muscle spasms. As the tissue begins to heal, treatment helps to restore normal joint motion, decrease pain and spasms, and increase circulation. Once on the road to recovery, exercises and stretches are given to restore flexibility and improve strength of the injured tissue.
Common sports injuries we treat:
- Sprains/strains of shoulders
- Sprains/strains of ankles and knees
- Sprains/strains of neck and lower back
- Shin splints
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
An adjustment is the primary method of treatment utilized by doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractic adjustments are performed on spinal and extremity joints that have been diagnosed as being hypomobile/dysfunctional/fixated. Typical adjustments are applied by hand with a low force, controlled velocity contact on a specific joint or spinal segment.
What is the purpose of an adjustment?
The adjustment helps to restore joint motion which reduces and inhibits pain, muscle spasms, inflammation and improves muscle balance.
What causes spinal or extremity joint dysfunction/fixation?
Joint dysfunction/fixation typically occurs due to one or more of the four scenerios:
- Macrotrauma injury (auto accident, work related injury or sport injury)
- Microtrauma injury (repetitive use, postural stress or poor ergonomics at work stations)
- Emotional and mental stress
- Chemical stress due to poor nutrition and diet
What techniques does the doctor use?
We primarily use Motion Palpation analysis and Gonstead adjusting. We also use Thompson drop technique, trigger point therapy and soft tissue mobilization. We adjust extremities, feet, knees, hips, wrists, elbows and shoulders.
Can chiropractic care help someone who has had back/neck surgery?
We treat many patients after they have had surgery. Chiropractic care restores function throughout the entire spine, and benefits areas that are typically compensating for the injured areas following surgery.
Stages of Care
While many of our patients present to the clinic because they are in pain, many patients also visit regularly to achieve optimal health and wellness. Our initial goal for patients in pain is to provide relief so they feel better quickly. Office visits are more frequent and sometimes include acupuncture or other modalities to achieve this goal. In addition, exercises, stretches, and at home lifestyle modifications are discussed. After pain relief is achieved, the frequency of care is decreased. In this phase, the focus is on continued soft tissue healing. Opting to end care before the injured soft tissue has healed may cause a relapse in symptoms. Once the soft tissue is healed, the patient enters “wellness care.” Wellness care is the foundation to optimal health and can only be obtained through periodic chiropractic care. We truly believe that without your health, nothing else matters! Through this entire process, we continue to educate our patients on how to be more aware of their body. For example, patients are taught how to identify the early stages of a headache before it becomes a migraine. Becoming health conscious sets the precedence for a healthy future! Wellness care prevents minor issues from becoming serious and painful issues. And most importantly, allows for a healthy nervous system. After all, your nervous system is what control all of your body functions!
Chiropractic spinal and/or extremity adjustments:
- Adjustments restore proper joint motion and function, allowing the Nervous System to function most optimally, helping to decrease pain and inflammation.
- Muscle and soft tissue techniques: Gentle myofascial releasing techniques help reduce muscle pain, tightness and adhesions to improve muscle function.
Therapeutic exercise:
- Specific rehabilitation exercises and stretches are suggested to regain core stability, strengthen weak muscles, improve flexibility and range of motion, and prevent re-injury.
- Lifestyle modifications: Postural and repetitive stress activities will be discussed to determine alternative options. For example, changes in sleep habits and work ergonomics.
- Diet and supplement suggestions: Pending the diagnosis, the doctor may suggest dietary changes and supplements to expedite the healing process and prevent reoccurrence and exacerbation. Water is always encouraged to hydrate, nourish and replenish your body.