Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy helps the mother’s body adapt to the natural changes that take place. Changes in hormones, ligament laxity and increase/shift in body weight puts new stresses on the woman’s lower back and pelvis. A hormone called Relaxin is released which may cause one or more joints in your spine or pelvis to become too lose or unstable. In some situations, pelvic support belts are used to help with this instability. As the baby grows, stretching of the abdominal muscles occur, weakening her core. Core exercises are given to the mother to help decrease the negative effects of stretching, as well as helping the new mother regain stability following delivery. Typically, the increasing weight of the baby adds stress to the spinal joints and pelvis, resulting in joint dysfunction and leg pain (sciatica). Chiropractic treatment is an excellent option to combat all of these conditions.
Many pregnant women report that they have more energy, less morning sickness and easier, quicker deliveries when adjusted throughout pregnancy. Chiropractic care helps baby to pass through the birth canal easier, resulting in less birth trauma to baby.